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Decision making-based optimal Generation-side secondary reserve scheduling and Optimal LFC in Deregulated Interconnected Power Systems


A large modern power system under deregulation consists of several interconnected control areas, where each one is responsible for supplying its loads and keeping the scheduled power interchanges with its neighbor areas. These responsibilities gradually become more difficult when moving toward smart grid and deregulation concepts. Load-frequency control (LFC) is a technique adopted in the power system control center to guarantee the balance between generation and demand and consequently to maintain the frequency in its acceptable level in each area. Moreover, load-frequency controller should be able to maintain the exchanged active powers through different tie-lines at their scheduled values [1]. To this end the parameters of load-frequency controllers in each control area should be tuned optimally to achieve a suitable performance ...


H.H., Alhelou and M.E.H. Golshan, "Decision making-based optimal Generation-side secondary reserve scheduling and Optimal LFC in Deregulated Interconnected Power Systems," Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems, Academic Press, pp. 269-299, 2019. [link]

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